Télescope - Observatoire

Activities at the Astronomical Observatory of Bauduen


The astronomical observatory of Bauduen is located far from the city lights, 5 minutes from the village. Olivier offers different types of services including observation evenings and themed weekends.

1/ Visits to the astronomical installation and observation of the sun.
2/ Evenings discovering the sky with a telescope. Course of the activity: discovery of the constellations with a laser pointer - operation of the telescope - observation of stellar objects and explanations - presentation of the most beautiful photos taken on the site.
3/ "Bed and telescope": evening discovery of the sky, accommodation and breakfasts
4/ Theme weekends: astronomy; photography, geology, hiking.
5/ Astronomy course for children: animations - sun observation, construction of a sky map, projection of photos.
6/ Weekly teenagers internship with full board.

The professional grade, ultra bright telescope is available for superb observations of celestial objects.

The site's telescope was commissioned in 1994 and has been constantly upgraded since then.

Spoken languages : French,


  • Pets welcome


Adults: from €20 (* daytime visit and sun observation * €30 astro evening)
Children (aged 6 and over): from €10 (* daytime visit and sun observation * €15 astro evening)
Children's groups (aged 6 and over): from €8 (per child).

Tour of the facility €5 per person

For other activities, please contact the establishment.

Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
242 avenue Albert 1er, 83630 Aups | +33 4 94 70 21 64 | Contact us
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