Domaine de Valcolombe - Domaine de Valcolombe

Loop above the Domaine de Valcolombe


Hike with a significant difference in altitude and stones at the start, fairly shady

The walk starts at the Domaine of Valcolombe

To get there: from the center of Villecroze take the D51 towards Salernes. Around 100m after the sign saying you are leaving Villecroze the D51 turns sharp left, but immediately ahead is a small lane. Take this lane – it is the chemin des Espèces. After 1.3km you will arrive at Valcolombe on your left. Enter the Domaine and park your car in front of the cellar.

Walk amongst the vines through an alley of Cyprus trees.
At the end of this Cyprus alley you turn left and you will be back on the chemin des Espèces where you turn right.

You will be retracing the way you arrived by car, but before arriving back onto the D51 you should turn left at house no.76 and go along the side of it.

After 100m take the flat rocky path immediately ahead of you and follow the yellow markers.
Go under the barrier ahead of you and continue to go up the side of the hill: you will stay on this path for around 40 minutes following the yellow markers. Take the time to stop on this part of the ascent to admire the views of the countryside.

The path ends at a track in the forest. Take the track to the RIGHT.
You continue on this wooded track for about 10 to 15 minutes, keeping left. When you see a green water tank, carry on to the left (leaving the tank to your right). You will arrive at the end of the track near some pylons.

A narrower path continues ahead and goes downhill: follow this path to the bottom (you will notice the yellow markers again).
Remember to stop and admire the views en route!
When you reach a surfaced road, you are back on the chemin des Espèces; turn left and after 600m you will arrive back where you started.

At the end of the walk, don't forget to do a little wine tasting!

Activity information

Distance : 5.5(km)

Route type: BOUCLE

Duration : 90(min)


  • Pets welcome


Free access.


Miniature galerie Miniature galerie Miniature galerie


Phone 00 33 (0)4 94 67 50 00

12 rue Ambroise Croizat

Modified from 04/02/2025 by "Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon".


All year round.
Before hiking, check whether access to forest areas is authorised:

Subject to favorable weather.

Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
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