calade - Rue du portail neuf

Andrones or Porches


When visiting Bauduen, you will see some andrones, some still "caladées".

"Androuna is an Occitan word that originally meant a small passage between two houses. Later also a lane or a cul-de-sac."(Wikipedia)
"In Provence, the androne is a stepped street that can be covered by houses. It is quite common to find some in Haute Provence, such as in Sisteron or Forcalquier, where the poet Paul Arène (1843-1896) said: "These were the cutlery, precious shelters to polish the rainy days".

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Phone 00 33 (0)4 94 50 99 05

Le village
83630 - BAUDUEN

Modified from 15/04/2021 by "Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon".


All year round, daily.

A voir aussi

Saint Peter church

The origin of Bauduen seems to go back to the Gallo-Roman period. The church, a very old building, was demolished by the Huguenots during the religious wars in 1572.

Eglise Saint Pierre

Escourenche Stone

Rites are sometimes attached to marriage or motherhood, as here.

Rue de l'Escourenche

Covered wells

Located at the end of the village, crossing Bauduen, two covered wells completely restored with the help of specialists from the Verdon Regional Natural Park.

Puits couverts


Beautiful seigniorial building (or castle) probably from the 17th century.


Calades : stones streets

Some streets of the village are still cobbled


Oratory of Our Lady of Hope

This oratory has a square pillar, masonry made of squared and seated rubble stones, and mortar-weighed. Its niche is formed by four large ashlars and receives the votive statuette of the Virgin.

Oratoire de Notre Dame d'Espérance

Saint-Lawrence Oratory

Saint Lawrence is the patron saint of shepherds and protects the flocks. The oratory dedicated to him reminds us of the importance of this activity in the region. The presence of briquettes testifies to the popular origin of the numerous oratories of Provence.

Oratoire Saint Laurent


This sundial, dated 1 823, bears the motto of Louis XIV "Nec pluribus Impar" (no one is above me).

Cadran solaire


At the entrance of the village stands the dovecote or "dovecote on tower which was reserved for the lords or the rich!


Castle's wash-house

Wash-house from the 19th century.

Lavoir du château

Great fountain

Wash-house from the 19th century.

Grande fontaine

Paty fountain-washhouse

Before 1761, there was only one fountain. The supply of water to the inhabitants was supplemented by numerous wells, such as the one that can still be seen at the far end of the village, or by individual reservoirs that collected rainwater.

Fontaine - Lavoir du Paty

Saint Lambert Chapel

Private chapel dedicated to Saint Lambert, Patron Saint of Bauduen

Chapelle Saint Lambert

Saint Lambert Oratory

This square-shaped oratory is made of squared and seated rubble joined with mortar. It has a rectangular niche, framed by monolithic pedestals and lintels.

Oratoire Saint Lambert

coat of arms of Bauduen in the village

The moon and the key

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