Fête des terrasses 5e editon - Fête des terrasses

Fête des terrasses - 5th Edition


All together, alongside catering professionals, from the Alps to the Côte d'Azur, passing through Provence, let us celebrate the terraces, symbols of conviviality, aperitif and rediscovered Evening concert on the course.

This great regional celebration, which will return every year, was created to bring together families, friends and work colleagues with the owners of restaurants, bars or cafes, deprived of their most loyal customers for almost 3 months. A great moment of conviviality around the values ​​of sharing to give new life to our terraces!
Reserve your favorite table now, near you, or during your vacation to take advantage of our new freedoms


  • 07/01/2024
  • 07/01/2025
  • 07/01/2026


Free of charge.

Fiche modifiée le 28/06/2024 par Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon.


Miniature galerie


Phone 00 33 (0)6 61 19 08 15

83630 - REGUSSE


Lundi 1er juillet à 19h.

Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
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