
Not far from des Gorges du Verdon and Lake St. Croix, Regusse offers beautiful hiking and activities, such as canoeing in the lower Gorges. Former Templar village, it has kept its two beautiful mills that stand proudly south of the village


Régusse is an old Templar village, built on a rocky peak in the heart of a fertile plain lined with wooded hills. South of the village, two windmills of the 12th and 13th centuries stand proudly. Entirely restored a few years ago, the mill festival is celebrated every summer, in the pure Provençal tradition

To see ,to do and visit

Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
242 avenue Albert 1er, 83630 Aups | +33 4 94 70 21 64 | Contact us
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