
Villecroze is an authentic Provencal village: it has preserved its medieval character with its arcades and narrow streets. A must-see: the sun-drenched tufa cliff, its beautiful Tuscan garden and the troglodytic caves.

A Tuscan garden and a grotto-come-castle! A "Village of Character", Villecroze's medieval origins are still reflected in its succession of arcades, narrow lanes, fountains and ancient church. To the north of the village stands a sun-drenched tuff cliff overlooking the Tuscan garden at its feet. The cliff harbours a grotto, formerly used to shelter the village inhabitants. In the 16th century, the Seigneur de Villecroze converted the grotto into an invincible hideout and decorated its frontage in Renaissance style.

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Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
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