Intérieur - Chapelle Saint Lambert

Saint Lambert Chapel


Private chapel dedicated to Saint Lambert, Patron Saint of Bauduen

Saint Lambert Pelloquin was born on the banks of the Verdon at Bauduen in 1084.

His birth cost his mother her life. Around the age of 12, he was taken in by the monks at the Abbey of Lérins and became religious. The reputation of his holiness spread outside the monastery and in 1114, the faithful of the church of Vence chose him to replace their bishop who had just died. After overcoming his reluctance, he administered his diocese with zeal.

He died on 26th May 1154, in the fortieth year of his episcopate.

Saint Lambert is buried in Vence in the church that was his cathedral where his tomb is piously venerated as well as a reliquary containing his skull.

The relic - the radius of his right forearm - can be seen in the church of Bauduen. (Diocèse Fréjus-Toulon)

Saint Lambert is celebrated twice a year, on this occasion a sale of "poulettes" made by the ladies of the village is organised at the end of the service.

Spoken languages : French,


Free access.


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Phone 00 33 (0)9 67 73 43 25

Rue Longue
83630 - BAUDUEN

Modified from 15/04/2021 by "Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon".




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